Your Elevator Pitch

There are LOADS of articles about this very subject because it is one that so many people do not spend time working on for their business.

Ask anyone that has an ‘elevator pitch’ or ’60 second infomercial’ worked out and they’ll all tell you that it takes the pressure off and ensures that when an opportunity presents itself, they are ready and able to succinctly and effectively get their business message across in less than 60 seconds. Thus not boring the listener to death and also, hopefully, creating a good first impression, most likely a lead into an interesting and beneficial conversation and at best a new business contact, or even customer.

So what makes up an effective 60 second pitch?

Firstly you need the basics:

Your name and your business name (eg. Hi I’m Steve and I run Pluming Gurus Direct)

Next get a good, short, description of the products or services that you offer – be SPECIFIC! The likelihood is that you know your business inside out, but remember that the person you’re speaking to won’t, so think baby steps – what is it specifically that is your main business service or product?

Keep it simple; if you have a number of things on offer don’t reel off everything you do or you’ll have your listener snoozing in no time, choose one to three things that are your main focus and explain briefly what they are.

Sell the benefits!

So next is the important bit and the part many people miss due to focusing on the product or service rather than the benefit. You are after all selling a solution, not a product so now’s your chance to explain, nice and simply why using your business will make life so much better for your customer.

Think outside the box a little and again, choose one to three benefits that are relevant to the products or services you’ve already mentioned.

For example, when you’re selling swimming pools, really you’re just selling a hole filled with water but your customer is buying it because they want the lifestyle. The pool parties with friends, the lounging in the sun with a cocktail on a sunny day and enjoying the rays, the laughter of children, the cool reflective waters… (I bet you’re daydreaming now about sitting by a pool somewhere hot and all that brings! I know I am).

So mention the benefits:

  • How will your customer feel when they buy from you?
  • What will they experience?
  • What difference will it make to their life?
  • What solution are you providing for their problem?

Once you have that down focus on who your perfect customer would be.

  • Are they old, middle aged or young?
  • Maybe they’re a stay at home mum or an executive in a corporation.
  • Where do they shop/go/visit?
  • What are their interests?
  • What would they be saying if they were in need of your product or service?

Perhaps if you offer sports massage your perfect customer would be a person who’s training for a marathon and need help to make sure they’re up to peek performance and able to compete safely and effectively?

You want the person you’re speaking with to understand who this person is, where they would see them and what sort of things they would deb saying. That way, when they stumble across this very situation, you will be the first thing on their minds and bam! there’s your referral. Not only any old referral, but the exact referral you were looking for.

Once you have your pitch worked out, write it down, read it out loud and get comfortable with it. You want to know the script so well that you can easily tweak it to suit the conversation you’re in.

Yes it will come in very handy at networking meetings where you need to stand and be formal and direct in saying exactly who you are, what you do and what you’re after. But you also want it to work when you’re chatting to another parent on the school run, waiting in the doctors surgery or mingling at a drinks party. If you feel comfortable with your script you’ll get the message across and not come across as pushy or obnoxious, just interesting and self assured.

There is a skill to giving the perfect ‘infomercial’ but with the proper planning and preparation you can be one of those people you meet who effortlessly and confidently gets their message across in the perfect way.

It’s very easy to chat about the weather and miss great networking opportunities. Usually it’s because you simply don’t feel comfortable ‘selling’ your business to other people. By being organised you don’t have to feel that way. You can know that you can get your message across quickly and easily and then let the conversation flow from there.

After all, you never know who you’ll meet next and it’s always good to be prepared.


Author: Sophie Jewry, The Holistic Directory

5 Steps To Unblock Your Chakras

Chakra meditation involves focusing on the different energies that lie within our bodies. There are 7 known chakras and they are known  to be our energy vortexes; opening for life energy to flow into and out of our aura. These vortexes vitalises the physical body and to bring about the development of our self-consciousness.

The reason why one needs to unblock their chakras is that a blocked or improperly aligned chakra will prevent your energies from flowing all throughout your body, causing disharmony and resulting in a very pessimistic or negative mood. In the process, you will regain a life balance which is critical to healing of both physical and mental. The steps involved to performing chakra meditation are fairly simple and focus should be given to one chakra at one time.

In general, 5 techniques to unblock chakras are:

Visualization Through Meditation

A very effective technique, simple in execution where you will need to meditate and clear your mind, allowing you to focus on the chakra and visualize its associated color. You can then focus on the goal that you intend to achieve.

The Crystal Method

As the name suggests, this method requires the use of crystals, held directly on the chakra or right over the chakra for at least three minutes (but not longer than five).

Sound Therapy
Music bowls are used in this technique, which can be purchase at metaphysical stores along with a set of detailed instructions.

The Soothing Massage
A full body massage is an effective way to unblock all 21 chakras in the human body. Besides that, it helps stimulate your vital systems and promote healing.

The Right Mix Of Exercise And Nutrition
Proper nutrition and sufficient exercise is needed to keep healthy and have a energised body, especially in your chakras and aura.


Want to know more about chakras?
Check out these Positive Affirmation Chakra Cards:

6 Effective Tips For Chakra Meditation

There are seven chakras, going from the base of your spine to the crown of the head. They represent different aspects of you mind, body and spirit. Each controls a certain part of the body, but also certain spiritual aspects. They can also be used to help alleviate a lot of different ailments, from heart diseases, stomach problems, and even mental health. Here are six tips while conducting chakra meditation:

1. Familiarise yourself with chakras

To achieve self healing and development, one must understand  the basic 7 chakras and how they work, what they represent and their linkage to different areas of the body.

2. Set aside time a dedicated place to meditate

You also need to set up your area with things that are related to this meditation. A large chart of the chakras for an example, is used by a lot of people to help them focus on a particular chakra. Maybe having colored candles, or stones or cloth to hold or light to help you picture the different chakras in your mind.

3. Keep this meditation to yourself

This is to prevent ridicule from your peers or family which may then cause you to lose your faith and determination to proceed. Only when they see the difference in you and ask, you can freely do so.

4. Be patient and consistent

Every person’s response to this meditation is different as they have their own unique problems. One person may feel the effects instantly, while for others it may take weeks or months as their chakras may be completely out of alignment. Thus, results may take time and even after realignment, they need regular maintenance to keep them that way. Take this as a lifetime commitment.

5. Set goals and fulfill them

You should always have a purpose, whether this is to help heal certain parts of your body, or the put your chakras into balance.

6. Be humble

You are doing this meditation to improve your life, not make yourself better than everyone else. If people start noticing the difference in your appearance, your overall outlook on life, or that your illnesses start going away, do not brag about it. This can put the chakras out of alignment.


If you would like to incorporate more chakra meditation into your life you might be interested on our Positive Affirmation Chakra Cards:

7 Benefits of Chakra Meditation

The practice of meditation aligns the seven major chakras (which correspond to the body’s major endocrine glands) with the power of the environment and the universe. It fairly simple to perform this meditation as long as one remembers to focus on one chakra at a time whilst having a clear mind.

Simply sit still with your spine upright and focus on the particular chakra while taking a deep slow breath. Start with focusing on the root chakra and working your way down slowly to the crown chakra.  Make sure you are in a comfortable position without any surrounding distractions. As you focus on each of the chakra’s see beams of light shooting out of you and entering the earth, the idea is to feel a sense of connection with everything around you. Spend about 3-5 minutes per chakra and do not take more than 30 minutes overall.

Although results are not achievable in a short time, 30 minutes of daily meditation will reap many benefits;  among them are as follow:

  •  A more positive outlook in terms of your thought processes and in your perception and understanding of events and behaviours.
  • Increased concentration, awareness and memory.
  • Heightened creativity, better resourcefulness because of better perception.
  • Better and deeper sleep; they will awake more refreshed in the morning and overall health will also benefit by getting deeper sleep.
  • Reduction of stress in all areas of your life because you will have better control over your emotions and better patience.
  • Improved  overall health and well-being. It helps to lower blood pressure which in turn can help prevent strokes and heart disease. It will also alleviate the stress effect on people suffering from chronic illnesses.
  • A balanced and harmonious interdependent functions of the body’s major chakras with one another is obtained. With that, the whole body’s biological, emotional, and spiritual aspects become more nourished and balance the body cleansing physical, emotional and spiritual toxins.

If you would like to incorporate more chakra meditation into your life you might be interested on our Positive Affirmation Chakra Cards: