This is great so wanted to share 🙂

Mirth and Motivation

“Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass on a summer day listening to the murmur of water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is hardly a waste of time.” John Lubbock

Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate:
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And summer’s lease hath all too short a date . . .
William Shakespeare – “Sonnet 18,” 1–4

What are you most looking forward to doing this summer? Every summer, we run around making complicated plans to be/see/do multitude things. If we’re not planing to go somewhere, we are doing something, and it can all get quite stressful; even exhausting. For this post, I thought I’d answer the Plinky question a bit differently. Instead of what we most wish to do, how about finding some simple pleasures to…

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Mirth and Motivation

“What you get by achieving your goals is as important as what you become by achieving your goals.” Zig Ziglar

Derek Sivers: Keep your goals to yourself

Recently, I took a moment to watch two relatively short TEDx videos. Derek’s was about the importance of keeping our goals close to the vest and not dissipating the momentum or energy of the goal by over-sharing it with others. The second video (below) spoke about that all consuming word – Passion. Larry suggests that we make excuses about pursuing our passion or we settle for less and that unless we act, we won’t accomplish much. It would be interesting to hear how you have applied both in your life. Hence the question: What have you discovered about goals and passion? (abbreviated in my post title). I was raised in a culture where we kept our dearest and deepest goals a secret…

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This is your Life

This is your LIFE.
Do what you love, and do it often.
If you don’t like something, change it.
If you don’t like your job, quit.
If you don’t have enough time, stop watching TV.
If you are looking for the love of your life, stop – they will be waiting for you when you start doing things you love.
Stop over analyzing, life is simple.
All emotions are beautiful.
When you eat, appreciate every last bite.
Open your mind, arms and heart to new things and people, we are united in our differences.
Ask the next person you see what their passion is, and share your inspiring dream with them.
Travel often, getting lost will help you find yourself.
Some opportunities only come once, seize them.
Life is about the people you meet and the things you create with them, so go out and start creating.
Life is short.
Live your dream and wear your passion.


The Simplicity of being a Child

Simplicity of being a child……….a thought that has often crossed my mind especially in the last few days. As I observed my 2-year-old nephew, I came to realize even more poignantly the faith…the absolute Faith that a child never seems to be without. Whether they are in a room or outside or in a moving car……..they just Believe that there will always be someone to hold them if there were to be a likely fall. Even after a fall, a child will never get scared to walk again or run or go out to play. No matter how vicious the fight, the next morning a Child again goes looking out for that friend; after getting scolded by a parent, a child still loves them. No matter how little or how much they have….they share because if they want to and this desire is not fuelled by duty or righteousness…………… is just their heart’s desire. They believe in Fairies and Angels, in beautiful worlds filled with absolutely gorgeous realities, they wonder how a bud turns into a flower, they believe in the man on the moon.

They don’t know how to hold a grudge or how to stop smiling. They are the epitome of unconditional love….they just will avoid a person if they don’t feel uncomfortable….they do not slander a person if they don’t somehow gel with them. They just trust their instincts and allow their bodies to tell them when to expect what. They are so open about what they like and do not like….they just don’t have the understanding of Judgement…..hence they are completely themselves where-ever they are. The curiosity and inquisitiveness which is so innate to them is what propels them to try new things without fear, they do not have even an inkling of what is it to suppress. They don’t get scared of being labeled as dumb or foolish if they don’t know something. They are just Pure Beings of Love and happy to BE.

Why is it then that we destroy this beauty and innocence of a child to turn them into people who are competitive yet never satisfied….want to earn more yet never have the time to enjoy that………..want to love yet somehow forget how………..want to cry yet get scared of the labels…..want to learn new things and explore new places yet suppress these feelings……want to play yet don’t have the time………want to call their friend yet think too much about losing the fight………judge people basis what they can do for them……stop listening to the voice of their souls…………..lose their Faith….and ultimately forget how to be happy…..and thus starts their journey to look within themselves and to go looking for Happiness….something they were born with.

The good news is that today more people than ever before are working towards ensuring that the kid in us….stays there…happy and healthy. It ain’t wrong to grow up and learn what we are meant to learn on our journey on this planet, I mean after all we choose to be born to learn lessons and progress on our soul journey but who says we cannot keep the child within us to help us on this journey and trust me it is possible….we might get hurt or disappointed on this journey but we will always have the child in us to help us smile, get up and walk again or may be Run….who knows….after all then we will have our Faith in Miracles right where it should be…………in our hearts 🙂

If you are looking for inspiration, look at some of your baby photographs because all you need you will find there………….you will find the True You….Fearless and Free….ready to just BE.

Article supplied by: Rumpa Das – Celestine Rhythm
The Rhythm of my Divine Consciousness

Muscle cramps!

Recently I was asked about muscle cramps and what it means ~ that awful ‘charley horse’ feeling that occurs in a muscle.When a muscle engages or contracts, it shortens. A spasm is an involuntary contraction of a muscle and you just can’t simply will it to relax!

Muscles spasm when the normal balance of potassium and sodium (electrolytes) in the muscle cells is disturbed for a longer period of time than the muscles usually can handle. So, even something like a Reflexology session can cause muscle spasms as the circulation is improved during the treatment.

There are a number of things that may contribute to an imbalance of electrolytes:

  • Dehydration, from inadequate fluid intake or excessive sweating
  • Vigorous exercise, especially if you don’t stretch before and after
  • Potassium and/or calcium deficiency

So why may a cramp occur during a foot reflexology session?

Muscles that have been overly taut for a period of time, including the lower leg and sole of the foot, relax during a reflexology session. This may disrupt the electrolyte balance and may cause a muscle to cramp.

If you are a Reflexologist and this happens when you are giving a treatment, the first thing is ‘don’t panic”. The solution is simple. To relax any muscle in the body, you actively engage the antagonistic or opposing muscle, which will increase circulation to the affected muscle and allow it to lengthen and relax. If you are receiving a Reflexology treatment and this happens to you, relax, breathe and allow the trained professional to take care of you.

What I do when a Reflexology client on my table cramps up is to immediately place the palm of my hand on the dorsal side of their foot and ask them to strongly pull their foot towards their face (dorsi-flex). At the same time my hand resists their motion, attempting to pull their foot towards my face (plantar-flex). Obviously, this is done with sensitivity to the flexibility of the client, which I have assessed at the very beginning of the treatment session. This combined action engages the foot flexor muscles and lengthens the extensor and intrinsic foot muscles. The hold is held for a couple of seconds and then both the client and I relax our efforts. We immediately do it again, and continue to repeat the sequence of engagement and relaxation until the cramping stops (usually three or four repetitions is all it takes).

I was recently told of an acupressure to alleviate cramping. While performing the movements described above, you would ask your client to apply pressure with their index finger between their lip and nose, two-thirds of the way up and to hold that point firmly until the cramp subsides. I haven’t tried it yet, but am game next time this happens!

Adequate hydration, regular foot reflexology, massage of the muscles that tend to cramp, a diet high in potassium and calcium, and daily stretching can prevent the re-occurrence of muscle cramps. And my personal favorite, drink a glass of carrot juice each day until your condition improves ~ seriously! Carrot juice contains all types of electrolytes and is yummy. I’ve even encouraged clients to drink a cup before bed to fix their night cramps.

So now you know how to fix those pesky muscle cramps!

Article by: Jacqueline Fairbrass
The School of Complementary Therapies