How And Where To Get Inspired For Your Business

Do you find days that you are flagging and uninterested in what you do?

Do you sometimes feel unmotivated and a struggle to get going?

Sometimes things happen in our everyday life that throws us off our path and we can lose confidence and let in self doubt.

What do you do when that happens?

You can curl up in a ball under the duvet and hibernate or you can get out there and kick a**!

Here are some ways to kick you up the behind and to help yourself!

Who inspires you? Who do you admire? If you know them get in touch as they will help to put you back on the correct path. If it is someone well known then read their blog, FB posts, book, website whatever to give you back your confidence and to remind yourself what you are doing in this world.

What music makes you happy?  What music gets you up to dance – is it trance, rock and roll, techno, classical, Pharell Williams ‘Happy’, Play whatever music moves you whether it is the song, music, words or the singer – get up and boogie!

Is there are favourite cafe or restaurant that you love?  Do you love the building or decoration or the people inside?  Do you like to watch the world go by?  Take yourself out for some me time and join the world.

What books do you like?  It may be an entrepreneurial one like Richard Branson or Napoleon Hill ‘Think and Grow Rich’ or it may be a spiritual one ‘The Secret’ or a self help book about marketing by Dee Blick.  Grab a book and a quiet corner or visit the library and lose yourself in a good book and be inspired.

Are you creative?  Do you like to paint, draw, knit, sew, bake, sing – do what brings you joy.

Do you inspire yourself?  When you are feeling unmotivated take a look at your journal and see what you have achieved.  If you do not journal write down what you have accomplished with your business – you will surprise yourself.

What places lift you?  Do you dream of far off countries or picture yourself on hot deserted beaches?  Picture yourself there or print off pictures of  your favourite place – it might be walking in the hills or moors searching for tors.  It is a place that will feed your soul.

Watch a good movie.

Surround yourself with things that inspire and motivate you – pictures, flowers, aromatherapy oils,

Open up to feeding your spirit and watch your energy levels, motivation and inspiration soar!


By Alison Brown
of Ali’s Therapy Academy

Last Minute Promotions For Christmas

This is a busy time of year for most people getting ready for Christmas, with shopping, on their feet all day, feeling tired and stressed.

So hopefully you are looking after them to manage with this time of year but also help them when they are buying gifts for everyone!  Do not miss out on this marketing opportunity.

There is still plenty of time for marketing opportunities and promoting offers.

Did you know that Monday 2nd December is the busiest day for spending on the internet?  Do you have anything available on your website for people to buy – products, gift vouchers etc?  In your marketing offer that availability.

Promote your gift vouchers on social media sites, in your clinic/salon/treatment room and in your emails to your clients.  Also offer them in gift packages with products or to gift wrap them free of charge – you can make them into a scroll or Christmas cracker with Christmas confetti inside!, provide them in a Christmas Card.

If you have a salon/clinic/treatment room, have some ready made up for clients to buy straight away and also they are able to see what they look like.  Remember to have pictures of them available on your website and social media.

You can have Countdown To Christmas Offer.  These can be a different offers every day or every week towards Christmas like an advent calendar  (subject to what you are able to offer in products and therapies)  such as beauty therapies – eye brow shape, manicure, file and polish, massage, reflexology, onsite massage, eyelash perm/tint,  products, ready blended oils, candles, cd’s,  books, etc.

Provide a raffle for a luxury prize – maybe a head to toe therapy package – with raffle tickets at £1 and money raised towards your favourite charity.

You still have time to organise a open day/evening event at your salon/clinic or if you provide treatments at your home you could run one there.  I have in the past organised open evenings as a thank you to my clients and if they bring somebody new they get free raffle tickets.  At these evenings they can have taster treatments and drinks and nibbles are supplied with products etc available to buy.  Even in my own home I have had around 30 people attend! And all sent home after a lovely evening with a goodie bag filled with sweets, samples of products, a candle, marketing materials such as a bookmark, key ring and fridge magnet and a CD of calming music.

Have a think and research what others are doing.  This could be your busiest time of year!  Look after your clients and make them feel special and they will keep coming back for more.

Merry Christmas everyone and Happy New Year

By Alison Brown
of Ali’s Therapy Academy

An Interview with Alison Brown of Ali’s Therapy Academy

Join us as we get more of an insight into Ali Brown and her holistic coaching business Ali’s Therapy Academy. A professional and successful holistic practitioner herself, offering many treatments including; massage, reflexology, Reiki, sports massage, vertical reflexology, Indian head massage, Hopi ear candles, hot stone massage, Thai herbal compress massage, aromatherapy and stress management, Ali has got a new mission in life – to help holistic business owners get started and be successful.

During the interview we discuss the Academy and how membership can be useful and also a couple of the top difficulties faced by new holistic business owners:

1) Start-up overwhelm – so much to do and just feeling overwhelmed with where to start and what is most important.

2) How to get more clients – an issue faced by businesses old and new.

Also Ali’s tip tip for businesses: Implementation!

Among other things, we also touch on networking and how important it is for marketing, confidence and referrals. Ali runs a workshop designed specifically for those who find the prospect daunting, or even terrifying, to give a gentle introduction to networking and how to get started.

You can see what workshops Ali has coming up here:

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