How And Where To Get Inspired For Your Business

Do you find days that you are flagging and uninterested in what you do?

Do you sometimes feel unmotivated and a struggle to get going?

Sometimes things happen in our everyday life that throws us off our path and we can lose confidence and let in self doubt.

What do you do when that happens?

You can curl up in a ball under the duvet and hibernate or you can get out there and kick a**!

Here are some ways to kick you up the behind and to help yourself!

Who inspires you? Who do you admire? If you know them get in touch as they will help to put you back on the correct path. If it is someone well known then read their blog, FB posts, book, website whatever to give you back your confidence and to remind yourself what you are doing in this world.

What music makes you happy?  What music gets you up to dance – is it trance, rock and roll, techno, classical, Pharell Williams ‘Happy’, Play whatever music moves you whether it is the song, music, words or the singer – get up and boogie!

Is there are favourite cafe or restaurant that you love?  Do you love the building or decoration or the people inside?  Do you like to watch the world go by?  Take yourself out for some me time and join the world.

What books do you like?  It may be an entrepreneurial one like Richard Branson or Napoleon Hill ‘Think and Grow Rich’ or it may be a spiritual one ‘The Secret’ or a self help book about marketing by Dee Blick.  Grab a book and a quiet corner or visit the library and lose yourself in a good book and be inspired.

Are you creative?  Do you like to paint, draw, knit, sew, bake, sing – do what brings you joy.

Do you inspire yourself?  When you are feeling unmotivated take a look at your journal and see what you have achieved.  If you do not journal write down what you have accomplished with your business – you will surprise yourself.

What places lift you?  Do you dream of far off countries or picture yourself on hot deserted beaches?  Picture yourself there or print off pictures of  your favourite place – it might be walking in the hills or moors searching for tors.  It is a place that will feed your soul.

Watch a good movie.

Surround yourself with things that inspire and motivate you – pictures, flowers, aromatherapy oils,

Open up to feeding your spirit and watch your energy levels, motivation and inspiration soar!


By Alison Brown
of Ali’s Therapy Academy

Theresa Maddison And Sophie Jewry Discuss Workshops For Personal Healing And Development

Just because you have an interest in holistic treatments and therapies doesn’t mean you have to train to be a practitioner. Many people enjoy deepening their own connection with self, expanding their awareness, increasing their understanding of what is available and how it can be used in self healing and also in healing of loved ones.

There are a number of workshops available that give you that step into deeper understanding – where you can find out more about the subject you want and then use it on yourself and your friends and family.

Theresa offers introductory workshops for:

Massage | Reflexology | Reiki | Angel Healing | Crystal Healing | Working With Crystals | Angel Card Reading

So you can learn new skills and also discover, if you’re considering training but aren’t quite sure what to do, what is a good fit for you.

Want to find out more?

Connect With Theresa Maddison:

Light Up Your Soul Therapies and Training who offer accredited Training courses in Holistic therapies and Beauty and bespoke well being, stress management & Healing therapies. Theresa also specialises in Crystal & Colour and Angel/Reiki healing.

Connect with The Holistic Directory:

The Holistic Directory is an online resource for health and wellness and also a hub for business and marketing support for holistic professionals. We’re building a supportive community – come and join us!

Laura Topper and Sophie Jewry Talk Curbing Confidence Crisis and Empowering Practitioners

Well, after our interview (which you can watch here), we got chatting about how some holistic professionals can feel a bit lonely, working by themselves and how it’s a common issue for therapists and practitioners to feel undervalued, under confident and unsure out what to charge for their services.

And we want to help change this!

So we thought we’d video our thoughts on the matter.

This is a 20 minute video of Laura and Sophie talking through ideas and issues around being a holistic professional and also discussion solutions and tips for dealing with overwhelm and empowering you to feel more positive and attract more of the things you want in your life and your work.

We’d love to hear your thoughts so do comment below or get in touch.

Connect With Laura:

New Thought Singer Songwriter : Metaphysical Mentor
Devoted Labyrinth Walker: Inspirational Speaker Campaigner

Connect with The Holistic Directory:

The Holistic Directory is an online resource for health and wellness and also a hub for business and marketing support for holistic professionals. We’re building a supportive community – come and join us!

Interview with Laura Topper by Sophie Jewry of The Holistic Directory

Join us as we discover more about the world of Laura Topper; New Thought Singer Songwriter, Metaphysical Mentor, Devoted Labyrinth Walker and Inspirational Speaker Campaigner!

We discuss how Laura discovered her passion for the holistic world, about her workshops, designed to empower you to really connect with your true self on a deep level and enrich your life.

We speak about prayer, meditations, connection and living in a positive energy to attract positivity and prosperity.

We find out about Laura’s passion for music and how she has used her voice to create a series of songs that can be listened to as part of mediation.

Also about the magic and symbolism of labyrinths and how wonderful they are as a meditative tool to discover your inner voice.

We end with a wonderful Top Tip from Laura about connecting with the power within us.

We’d love to hear your thoughts so do comment below or get in touch.

Connect With Laura Topper:

New Thought Singer Songwriter : Metaphysical Mentor
Devoted Labyrinth Walker: Inspirational Speaker Campaigner

Connect with The Holistic Directory:

The Holistic Directory is an online resource for health and wellness and also a hub for business and marketing support for holistic professionals. We’re building a supportive community – come and join us!

Letting Go

Another year ends and a new one begins, the beginning of a new year is a great time to let go of the things that no longer serve you. The world is an energetic place, our thoughts are powerful and create our reality, all of us carry ‘baggage’ around with us that we need to let go of and we can do this by thinking about it and letting it go. An old relationship, an incident you regret, a habit you want to stop, anger, sadness, whatever it is there are a few ways that can help you to let go and move forward. You may not even think you have anything to let go of, even still this process can still be uplifting. Letting go is refreshing, it allows us more space to connect with our true self rather than the self we try to be or think we are or are worried about being.

I once read a story about a university lecturer, who got his students to put potatoes into a zip bag, they had to put one potatoe in for each time they hadn’t been able to forgive someone for something over the course of their life so far, they didn’t have to share what it was but they had to be honest with themselves. They then had to carry this bag around with them everywhere for a couple of weeks; I mean everywhere, bus, classes, bed, toilet, shopping etc. Where they went the bag of potatoes had to go. Over the course of the few weeks the potatoes began to rot, when they rot they turn to a mushy black liquid.

The bag of potatoes is of course very symbolic, firstly because of the weight they had to carry around, carrying un-forgiveness in the heart is a heavy burden. Not letting go of the things that no longer serve us is also a heavy weight around the heart, it can hold us back and prevent us from reaching our true potential. Secondly the substance that the potatoes turn into is quite symbolic, continuous carrying of un-forgiveness rots the soul, also not letting go of whatever it is that eats away at you will rot the soul, cause unnecessary stress and turn sour and bitter.

I said earlier that our thoughts are powerful, they are, they create our reality and you can utilise this when ‘letting go’.

Go to a place where you will be undisturbed for about 20 mins, it can be a special place, or your treatment room or anywhere you can get peace and quiet.

Sit still and quiet bringing your breath to a calm rhythm.

Connect to the heart centre, allow it to open and become alive.

When you feel the heart open see a channel of light from the soul, you may visualise the soul as a sphere of white light above the head, allow the channel of light fall down over you connecting into the heart centre and further down into the earth centre below your feet.

Fill your body and auric field with this light (the auric field surrounds you from fingertip to fingertip when arms are stretched out)

Now use your mind to scan the auric field for any lines of energy coming into it from outside. You do not need to know where they are from this does not matter, you are letting go not holding on.

Now ask up to the soul for the light love and power to release these ties from your energy system
Take as long as you like seeing these lines fade away, you might like to see it as a bright white dishcloth washing the outside of your auric field of ‘grime’.

Really enjoy the cleansing experience and know that you are letting go of that which no longer serves you.

When you finish you might like to secure the ritual with a mantra or prayer or give thanks, please note this is not essential but an option, I know of people who always finish with a mantra, I know of others who like to give thanks. It’s personal choice.

Pamper yourself afterwards, the aftercare is just as important as the letting go, perhaps run a relaxing bath with your favourite oils or crystals, or a nice shower if you prefer. Use the water to help seal the cleansing process.

This process can be repeated as often as you like, every day if you need to, once a week, once a year, it’s entirely up to you.

Let go and be free!

By Lynne Wilson
of The School of Unified Healing

Pick Me Up’s

This time of year is always manic, whether you are busy with client offers for Christmas, Christmas shopping, trying to plan the festive holidays and working, let alone dealing with every day family life. You are bound to feel overwhelmed, tired maybe chaotic, I have a great tip to pick yourself up and you don’t need many tools or spend a fortune to do it.

Crystal elixirs!

You have probably guessed by now that I LOVE crystals! They’re are beautiful, amazing and fabulous! I have worked with them for a decade and have experienced many benefits, which is why I am passionate about giving out tips on how to use them to reap those benefits.

This time of year there are so many bugs and colds about, every other person has a cough, sore throat or runny nose. A great way to make yourself feel better inside and out is making a crystal elixir. You need a few tumble stones, and they need to be tumblestones, rough pieces are not safe for elixirs and you need to be aware that some crystals are poisonous if ingested.

You are pretty safe with the standard clear quartz, rose quartz, amethyst, carnelian, blue lace agate, smoky quartz – if in doubt Google it to see if the tumble stone is safe or ask a qualified crystal therapist.

You need a glass of water, some people I know say it has to be mineral water but I have used normal tap water for years and have had great effect. Saying that if you want to use mineral water that’s fine. Select your crystal, you can use your intuition and go with what you are drawn to, you could dowse using a pendulum or you could consult a crystal book.

  • Clear quartz is energising so a great one for lethargy
  • Amethyst is harmonising so great for stress
  • Rose quartz is supportive and loving so one for loneliness
  • Smokey quartz is transmuting and relaxing another one for stress, it may help aid sleep
  • Carnelian is protective and warming maybe a good one to help prevent a cold or to warm you up when the days are extremely chilly
  • Blue lace agate is a stone of communication therefore a good stone for sore throats.

You may feel you need more than one energy, this is fine although I wouldn’t do more than two at a time. Once you have selected your crystals place them into a glass of water and leave them on a window sill that attracts natural light for a couple of hours. The light will help to activate the crystals and energise the water with the crystal energies.

In a couple of hours take your drink and sip it, DO NOT down in one as this will effect your grounding and make you feel dizzy. Take your time to sip the elixir, you do not have to drink it all at once but go back to it.

I hope you all have a fabulous Christmas and a happy New Year.

By Lynne Wilson
of The School of Unified Healing

Tumble Stones, Carrying, Meditating and Toddlers

Toddlers love crystals, I recently observed my little one placing tumble stones onto her dolly to make dolly ‘feel better’. I thought how beautiful that someone so young (2) has grasped the idea that crystals can help you feel better. Tumble stones are a great learning aid for children, they are smooth, interesting and colourful and hold beautiful energy that help to calm and clear our little ones troubles, worries, fears. (bearing in mind they need to be a good sized tumble stone, and adult supervision required at all times)

I then thought how beneficial tumble stones are for everyone, they are small enough to carry in the pocket without being noticed, I know of women who wear them in their bra! When we have crystals on our person during the day the energy of the crystal can be working subtly throughout our energy system helping to restore balance, clam, grounding, protection or whatever properties you have chosen to be in imbued with that day.

Meditating with tumble stones is also great, you can hold one in each hand if you like, they can be the same crystal or a different one for each hand. Holding one in each hand will help to create an energy field of the chosen crystal that you can then sit in and bring yourself to peace.

A great method for this is to select a tumble stone for each hand using what ever method you chose to use, whether that be dowsing, using your hand, picking the ones you are intuitively drawn to etc. (You may like to have a grounding crystal at you feet)

Sit somewhere quiet and bring your attention to your hands,

You feel, imagine or visualise your thoughts activating the crystal energy,

The crystal energy starts to vibrate and you see, feel or imagine the energy emanating from your crystals until they are spheres of light and energy surrounding your hands.

Allow the energy to expand until the two spheres are energy have merged and you are sitting in a sphere of blended energy

Allow the energy to bring peace, calm, harmonise, clear or whatever you need from your crystals at that particular time.

Sit and enjoy the energy for as long as you like.

When you have finished bring your awareness to your feet and imagine deep strong roots going deep into the earth.

The crystal energy will stay within your auric field and continue to work throughout the day / evening. You may even like to keep the two chosen crystals in your pocket.

You can purchase tumble stones easily from most new age shops and on-line, I can vouch for the new stock of tumbles we have in our new on-line crystal shop, nice sized tumbles. Please feel free to check them out!

By Lynne Wilson
of The School of Unified Healing

The Mind Body Spirit Festival – Brighton, November 2013

The seas were raging and the winds were blowing this weekend,but inside The Mind Body Spirit Festival at The Brighton Centre I felt like I was in a cocoon of love and inspiration.

On entering the main exhibitor market place I was handed my goody bag – a fab treat indeed – Any goody bag with a book about love is a sure way to put a smile on my face. I am looking forward to reading “What Is Love” The Spiritual Purpose of Relationships by Frank Vilaasa, so thank you Frank and Thank You MBS.

MBS Brighton 2

I tend to always do a bit of a lap when I arrive at large scale events, so I can find my bearings and get a good idea of what’s what. I had limited time at the show unlike when Sophie and I visited the London event so I wanted to make sure I was being organised and making the most of all that was on offer.

I decided to head to the free stage and compose myself a little after my blustery arrival. One of the first things to really capture my attention in this area was the exquisite work of Mark Goulding – what an incredible talent. I actually felt quite hypnotised as I was drawn into the work of his fabulous Mandalas. I then had the honour of speaking with this fantastic and beautiful man who quite literally had me spellbound with his words. We spoke about the impending solar eclipse that was to take place in the next hour and how he was super excited to be there at the show and around all the love of family and community on such an auspicious day. After reciting his poem to me, The Fleeting Moment, he highly recommended I take a few moments to connect with that energy of this Solar Eclipse. Not words I was likely to ignore, given what I had just experienced.

MBS Brighton 1

Feeling a bit peckish (to be honest I really did not even need to feel hungry) I made my way to the InSpiral food counter. Never a disappointment, there was an array of healthy raw bites to get those taste buds going. I opted for an Avocado boat followed by a scrummy pot of raw vanilla berry tart. Delicious. I really do hope that one fine day Brighton will have it’s own InSpiral too, best get manifesting!

InSpiral Deliciousness

The MBS team really do a fantastic job and I truly hope the show will return to The Brighton Centre again. There was so much to see and do. With the Love Dome, Mantra Tent and meditation Pop Up Temple people were blissing out at every opportunity.

I witnessed Tim Wheater’s divine vibrations and sublime sounds in the free stage and thoroughly enjoyed chanting with him throughout the eclipse phase – Big smiles all round.

Connecting with new like minded, heart centred individuals is a blessing in my job and this occasion was no exception as there was an abundance of you lovely lot everywhere.

I discovered my colour personality with the The Colour Ministry – that will be Red for me then – passionate, enthusiastic and susceptible to energy highs and lows. Alison is the pioneer for The Colour Ministry and has over 18 years experience in working with colour, a fascinating tool for healing I believe. The Colour Ministry have lots to offer so I really can only recommend a visit to their web site to learn more and receive your free e-book “Exploring Colour”.

I also had the pleasure of bumping into friends I had not seen for a long time and that, added to the the whole experience of the show, made the whole day quite magical.

Due to family commitments I was unable to stay as long as I would have liked and am disappointed to have missed some of the fine speakers that were there. I heard much praise for Charley Morley and his talk on lucid dreaming. I can only say that next year I will be sure to attend the full weekend to immerse myself fully in it all.

Thank You MBS, you have delivered a holistic event with something for every one of us.


Author: Ruby Paterson
Find out more about The Holistic Directory

So what happens when it all gets too much?

This morning I woke up and it was ‘one of those days’. No reason I can think of as business is going well and getting busier, I have great customers, great friends and great family. So what is there to feel down about? Who knows, so I’ll just put it down as ‘one of those days’ and blame my hormones.

As I was feeling sorry for myself (one voice thinking up all the negative things and the other trying valiantly to counteract each argument) it got me thinking. I know for a fact that I’m not the only one that has these sorts of moments, I know many people who can go days, or even weeks, with these sorts of negative thoughts running through their head when if you could just flick the switch from negative to positive the world would look like a completely different place. I’m thankful that 99% of the time I live in a positive space and only dip into negative thought patterns now and then.

So what can we do to shift our mindset when we get into these negative moments?

Well there is of course the option to wallow in this sorrowful state, but what good is that to anyone? Don’t get me wrong, I’m not suggesting that your should block your emotions (that will only come back go bite you on the bum later on!), more that you should accept them, feel them, let them flow through you and then find a way move on.

So here’s a few ways that might help you make that shift:


Mindfulness is definitely a good thing to practice when you’re feeling down. Try finding a quiet space to listen to a guided meditation or do your own. Even 1 minute just focusing on your breath can help soothe the soul and take the edge off. You can read more about mindfulness here.


You know the ones you can count on to lift you up when you’re feeling down. Make time to meet up or have a chat on the phone or over the net. It’s not about moaning about the bad things, more talking up the good things and working together to remind you all the reasons why life is good.

Pamper yourself

Everyone has different likes and dislikes when it comes to pampering. Personally I love a massage or a short while lightly cooking in a sauna. Theres also something luxurious about having a bath and then curling up on or in your bed to read a good book! Whatever floats your boat, make some time to give yourself some ‘me time’ love.

Get out and about

Getting some fresh air is usually a good way to get your mind off stuff or help you work through it. Stretch you legs on a walk somewhere beautiful, maybe take your bike or horse out for a ride or even go for a run to run off those blues.


With the rush of everyday life it’s easy to get caught up in it all and lose some sleep. Try a short ‘cat nap’ or if you need it a full blown sleep to help you clear your mind and catch up on some much needed Zzzz’s. It may be that with that extra sleep tomorrow really will be a better day.


It’s been proven that humans thrive when they receive hugs daily. So go grab yourself a hug and give both yourself a your hug-ee a little huggable boost.

So if you’re feeling down, overwhelmed or any other negative feeling, remember you’re not alone. There are loads more great ways to help shift yourself into a different mood and I’d love to see what you do yourself to help lift your own, or others, spirits. Please comment below with your own suggestions…


Author: Sophie Jewry
Need help with your business brand? Find out more here:


5 Steps To Unblock Your Chakras

Chakra meditation involves focusing on the different energies that lie within our bodies. There are 7 known chakras and they are known  to be our energy vortexes; opening for life energy to flow into and out of our aura. These vortexes vitalises the physical body and to bring about the development of our self-consciousness.

The reason why one needs to unblock their chakras is that a blocked or improperly aligned chakra will prevent your energies from flowing all throughout your body, causing disharmony and resulting in a very pessimistic or negative mood. In the process, you will regain a life balance which is critical to healing of both physical and mental. The steps involved to performing chakra meditation are fairly simple and focus should be given to one chakra at one time.

In general, 5 techniques to unblock chakras are:

Visualization Through Meditation

A very effective technique, simple in execution where you will need to meditate and clear your mind, allowing you to focus on the chakra and visualize its associated color. You can then focus on the goal that you intend to achieve.

The Crystal Method

As the name suggests, this method requires the use of crystals, held directly on the chakra or right over the chakra for at least three minutes (but not longer than five).

Sound Therapy
Music bowls are used in this technique, which can be purchase at metaphysical stores along with a set of detailed instructions.

The Soothing Massage
A full body massage is an effective way to unblock all 21 chakras in the human body. Besides that, it helps stimulate your vital systems and promote healing.

The Right Mix Of Exercise And Nutrition
Proper nutrition and sufficient exercise is needed to keep healthy and have a energised body, especially in your chakras and aura.


Want to know more about chakras?
Check out these Positive Affirmation Chakra Cards: