So what happens when it all gets too much?

This morning I woke up and it was ‘one of those days’. No reason I can think of as business is going well and getting busier, I have great customers, great friends and great family. So what is there to feel down about? Who knows, so I’ll just put it down as ‘one of those days’ and blame my hormones.

As I was feeling sorry for myself (one voice thinking up all the negative things and the other trying valiantly to counteract each argument) it got me thinking. I know for a fact that I’m not the only one that has these sorts of moments, I know many people who can go days, or even weeks, with these sorts of negative thoughts running through their head when if you could just flick the switch from negative to positive the world would look like a completely different place. I’m thankful that 99% of the time I live in a positive space and only dip into negative thought patterns now and then.

So what can we do to shift our mindset when we get into these negative moments?

Well there is of course the option to wallow in this sorrowful state, but what good is that to anyone? Don’t get me wrong, I’m not suggesting that your should block your emotions (that will only come back go bite you on the bum later on!), more that you should accept them, feel them, let them flow through you and then find a way move on.

So here’s a few ways that might help you make that shift:


Mindfulness is definitely a good thing to practice when you’re feeling down. Try finding a quiet space to listen to a guided meditation or do your own. Even 1 minute just focusing on your breath can help soothe the soul and take the edge off. You can read more about mindfulness here.


You know the ones you can count on to lift you up when you’re feeling down. Make time to meet up or have a chat on the phone or over the net. It’s not about moaning about the bad things, more talking up the good things and working together to remind you all the reasons why life is good.

Pamper yourself

Everyone has different likes and dislikes when it comes to pampering. Personally I love a massage or a short while lightly cooking in a sauna. Theres also something luxurious about having a bath and then curling up on or in your bed to read a good book! Whatever floats your boat, make some time to give yourself some ‘me time’ love.

Get out and about

Getting some fresh air is usually a good way to get your mind off stuff or help you work through it. Stretch you legs on a walk somewhere beautiful, maybe take your bike or horse out for a ride or even go for a run to run off those blues.


With the rush of everyday life it’s easy to get caught up in it all and lose some sleep. Try a short ‘cat nap’ or if you need it a full blown sleep to help you clear your mind and catch up on some much needed Zzzz’s. It may be that with that extra sleep tomorrow really will be a better day.


It’s been proven that humans thrive when they receive hugs daily. So go grab yourself a hug and give both yourself a your hug-ee a little huggable boost.

So if you’re feeling down, overwhelmed or any other negative feeling, remember you’re not alone. There are loads more great ways to help shift yourself into a different mood and I’d love to see what you do yourself to help lift your own, or others, spirits. Please comment below with your own suggestions…


Author: Sophie Jewry
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Diets Don’t Work…

So I’ve been thinking a lot about weight loss, diet, exercise and how it all links together and how to make it easier to actually stick with what you want to do and be the person you need to be.

Over the past 18 months I’ve been on quite a journey. I did my NLP Practitioner qualification and so worked through a ton of personal development, shortly after which I worked on some goal setting and one of them was to get to a 28″ waist by Dec 2012. So I dutifully listened to a weight hypnosis MP3 every single day for 90 days and I worked both consciously and unconsciously on my diet, and by diet I don’t mean a restrictive weight loss plan, I’m talking about the real meaning of the word, the food that you put into your body to achieve maximum health.

Now I should tell you at this point that I also gave up dieting the day that I received my NLP certificate and the reason I did this is because I knew then that actually diets do not work and I needed a FAR bigger shift inside me to be able to achieve, and more importantly, maintain my ideal weight and size. After 18 years of yoyo dieting I can tell you this was a liberating experience!

So how do you lose weight without dieting?

You change your mindset and you take action towards changing your lifestyle. Yes it’s not a 5 minute fix but this is the rest of my life I’m talking about and as it took 31 years to get where I am now and I’ve, hopefully, got another 50+ years to go, surely it’s worth spending 6, 12, even 24+ months creating new habits, new mindsets and ultimately a new lifestyle that enables me to be the size I want to be, FOREVER without ever having to diet again!!

What has changed for me?

I’m now only 2 inches from achieving my 28″ waist completely through healthy eating and increased exercise. I’ve also found that the weight is going into the background as I have shifted focus to health and wellness the weight thing is just a happy bonus – I threw my scales away so have no clue the weight implications. I do however know that I feel great, inside and out, which is SO important.

I have experimented with intermittent fasting, I juice regularly and have even completed a 21 day raw cleanse, which involved eating raw vegan and mixing in some smoothies and juices too for 21 days – this was a hugely educational process for me, it pushed me to try new things and open my mind to a whole new way of thinking and eating. Along side the dietary changes I have also been reading lots about nutrition and educating myself more so I can make more informed choices. I have also been going to the gym twice a week and, I feel so much better in so many ways already and I’m genuinely excited about learning and trying more and seeing how it can all slot into place as a long-term lifestyle choice for me.

I know that there is still some way to go before I get to a point where I am 100% happy with knowing how I want to be, what food I want to eat etc but I am thoroughly enjoying the process and the fact that really it doesn’t matter as long as I’m happy.

I’m loving the feeling that I am feeding my body the best food that I can, food it has been designed to consume. The raw vegan experimenting has been hugely eye opening and will certainly be a big part of my life going forward.

Which seems slightly bonkers and it was not so long ago that I thought even being a vegetarian was restrictive and crazy. After all, why would I want to live on lettuce!?

I have since discovered the wide array of fantastic foods that are out there and how, with a just a little preparation, you can really eat tasty and nutritious food without it just being lettuce.

I have a sweet tooth,love a pudding and have had a lot of fun trying new recipes, like raw berry cheesecake and mint chocolate protein thins – both of which are awesome. Not to mention the fab salad dressings and all sort of other delights that are out there if you start to look. All this amazing food at our fingertips, not only delicious. But also amazingly nutritious! I have on a few occasions had raw ‘pudding’ for breakfast, knowing full well that it is far more nutritious than most other choices with all the vitamins, minerals, fats and proteins in the fruit, nuts, coconut oil and other ingredients. It felt decadent and fantastic with not one iota of guilt! How fantastic is that!

So what I’m trying to say is that, if you are unhappy with how you look, feel or eat currently, I urge you to go on your own foody journey. Read lots, experiment with food and connect with other like minded people who want to go on the same journey with you, or who are already on their way.

It’s liberating, fascinating, exciting. It’s a journey of self discovery, food discovery, health discovery and so much more. There’s no deadline and there’s no grades along the way, other than your own improved health, so you really can take as long as you like and just enjoy the process.

You’ll be amazed the impact that your journey can also have on others too. One of my favourite quotes is ‘be the change you wish to see in the world’ and it amazed me how once you do this others see and become interested too and so it spreads.

Many people are now realising that in fact health really does matter, that we only have one life and we really ought to be enjoying it and giving ourselves the best shot at a long and healthy life. It’s not about restrictions or guilt, it’s about shedding those unhelpful mindsets and instead focussing on great things that really can help you look and feel amazing.

What can you start today that could begin your journey?

Maybe have a juice, eat a salad, try a new fruit, play with a new healthy recipe… It doesn’t matter how small the first steps, every journey starts with one step forward and it is the continuous steps that take you where you want to go. Some steps may be steep, rocky or daunting but the view and the feelings are more than worth it when you reach the summit.

The most important thing is to enjoy yourself and the journey… You never know where it may lead.

If you’d like to connect we have a group that you’re welcome to join on Facebook:


Author: Sophie Jewry

Fire, fire!

We had quite  drama in my local town last night and sadly we we part of it.

My partner and I were just falling asleep when the phone rang and it was a friend of ours calling to let us know that the shop next to my partner’s shop was seriously on fire and that we probably ought to get down there right away.

So he was up and out of bed and off to the shop. When he first got there, the flames were high and there was so much smoke that he called me and said that it may get all the businesses (it’s a little precinct with around 15 businesses in) and that he’d keep me posted.

Thankfully he then called again 30 minutes later to say that the 60+ fire crew had managed to contain the blaze and it only one of the shops was completely burnt out, with another couple of buildings having water, heat and/or smoke damage.

He arrived home again about 1am and we got to sleep, ready for a reasonably early start and him going off to assess the damage and start helping with the clear up.

During the time he was at the fire and not in communication, it got me thinking how much ‘stuff’ there actually is at the shop. Sure there’s the stock but there’s also the computer systems, there’s the things you build up after being in a place for over 15 years, there’s the few things we have in the store room as it’s handy to get at and yet still out of the way.

But then there’s even more than that. There’s 15 years of customers, of memories and of people interacting. Friendships made and many sales done.

A shop, as with all in our lives, is so much more than what it is on the surface and we all could do with a close call every now and then to make us realise that and then re-think how we’re doing things and so make changes to improve.

There are of course changes that include making sure your insurance is up to date, checking your data is backed-up off site somewhere safe and other such things. But there’s also the question of, what would you save if you literally had just a moment to decide?

Lots of people have faced this same question with the floods that have impacted in the UK, not forgetting of course some of the horrendous things happening across the world with typhoons, tsunamis, earthquakes etc.

So perhaps you can take a moment to really think.

What would you want if you had just a moment to leave your home and your life and is it accessible should the need arise? If not, why not?

Where would you go? Who would you call? What would you do?

Now you can’t answer all these questions now, but you can think about your life and what is most important. Look deep inside and find what you care about most.

Are you spending enough time and giving enough positive attention and love to the ones you hold dearest?

Are you doing things that you love every day in your life?

Are you fully living in the moment?

What can you change today to ensure that you’re on the path to the tomorrow that you dream about?

Take 5 minutes to just consider these things and then take action to ensure that you are doing what you love, with who you love. Life is too short and too unexpected to do otherwise.

Get out there and give of and to yourself for the betterment of life.

Author: Sophie Jewry

The Perpetual Dieter

Weight loss is all about burning more calories than we consume. Right?
So why is it so difficult?
And why has weight been on my mind all my life?
Why is it a constant struggle for me and for others?

I used to say that I was born overweight, but the reality was that I was a normal healthy weight but I grew into an overweight child. A tubby child. A child who had the mickey taken out of her at school and a child that hated sport and any form of exercise or physical activity. And it’s true to say that my hatred of sport and physical exercise has continued. To this day I don’t get that ‘buzz’ that people talk of after a gym session or a run, or the increase in energy that others talk about.

But I do get that ‘buzz’ when I lose weight!! But the thought of eating vegetables and salad (I was never a big lover of these foods) and depriving myself of the foods that I love fills me with dread and makes me grumpy. I used to go to endless lengths to hide the foods from those that I didn’t want to eat (I used to hide vegetables in the cheese plant at my mum and dad’s as we didn’t have a dog!) to those that I ate in secret (a chocolate bar hidden amongst my underwear – after all if no-one saw me eat it then it wouldn’t matter!)

When I went on a diet food was always on my mind and occupied my every waking moment! And if I ate something that I shouldn’t have done then I used to chastise myself and tell myself I deserved to be this way. If I couldn’t have what I wanted or was faced with a plate of unappetising food, again the self-hatred would drown out my reasons for wanting to be slimmer. And the scales each week became my enemy. The dial seemed to be stuck or only ever went up!

Since then I have learnt to accept myself for who I am. I am no stick insect and never will be. But I have learnt to understand my relationship with food. I eat when I am bored, I eat when I am lonely, I eat when I am upset and I celebrate with food when I am happy. I eat when I am stressed, I reach for calorie laden (nice tasting) foods when I am tired and I HAVE to clear my plate (even when I am stuffed) just so that I can have a pudding. The list goes on…

The Solution

Yes the key to losing weight is burn more calories than you consume. But unless you understand your relationship with food and change these habits as well it will be an uphill struggle.

So to be more successful at achieving your ideal weight look at the issues that have prevented you from getting there (and staying there) in the past. For example, if you eat for other reasons besides being hungry then visualise your stomach as a balloon, and ask yourself how inflated this balloon really is. Is it completely empty or so full that one more breath of air will cause it to pop. Visualising your stomach in this way during a meal can also be used to signal that it’s time to stop eating.

Hypnotherapy is a powerful tool to help you change your relationship with your food forever. By working at an unconscious level you can literally change how you think. When you have your first session with a hypnotherapist you are taking the first step on the road to having a healthy relationship with food and increasing your own self confidence. Leading you to a life where ‘diet’ is not part of your vocabulary.

Article by: Lisa Williams
Stockport Counselling & Hypnotherapy
Online and face-to-face counselling and tailor-made hypnotherapy packages

The Power of Words

Have you ever thought about how powerful you really are? Well, I can tell you that we hold a power within us that has the ability to lift spirits, destroy dreams and everything in between. And that power is WORDS.

Have you noticed how the bad ones stick and the good ones, well, we like hearing them but we tend to get embarrassed and pass them off as perhaps being a half truth? Crazy though it is, so many of us have done this more than once in our lives.

Have you ever thought about the power your words contain and what far-reaching influences they can have on other people?

I’ll tell you a story* that may give you some food for thought:

Several summers ago a teacher was sitting on a sea wall resting after a long hike along the coast path. She was eating a sandwich and observing what was happening on the beach and she spotted two little boys, about six years old, playing together. They’d been running around for a while, having fun and now, a little tired from their activities, they sat down near the teacher and began talking.

Perhaps they’d just met, as children do on holiday; regardless when or where they met, they had a lot to talk about. Finally, one said to the other “What do you want to be when you grow up? I’m going to be a brain surgeon.”

“Gosh I don’t really know. I’ve never thought about it. I’m not very bright, you know.”

The wind took the rest of the conversation away and the teacher was left wondering where that second little boy had developed that limiting belief about himself. Probably from another teacher! Or a parent. At the age of six, if he doesn’t change that belief, or if someone else doesn’t help him to change it, it will affect the rest of his life, limiting his sense of possibility, holding back his potential.

Beliefs are not true. They are constructs around which we organise our behaviours. So we each behave as if our beliefs were true. And for this reason all our beliefs come true, for beliefs, whether empowering or limiting, are self-fulfilling prophecies.

Sit with that for a while and consider then, the power of your own words and perhaps how you can use that power to help and to empower others. To lift people’s spirits and to help them believe that anything is possible and that they can indeed be, regardless of their age, anyone they want to be – for if they can believe it, they can achieve it!

“Be the change you want to see in the world.” Mahatma Gandhi

Love and blessings


*The Two Little Boys:
Primary Source: The Magic of Metaphor by Nick Owen
Secondary source: NLP at Work by Sue Knight