6 Effective Tips For Chakra Meditation

There are seven chakras, going from the base of your spine to the crown of the head. They represent different aspects of you mind, body and spirit. Each controls a certain part of the body, but also certain spiritual aspects. They can also be used to help alleviate a lot of different ailments, from heart diseases, stomach problems, and even mental health. Here are six tips while conducting chakra meditation:

1. Familiarise yourself with chakras

To achieve self healing and development, one must understand  the basic 7 chakras and how they work, what they represent and their linkage to different areas of the body.

2. Set aside time a dedicated place to meditate

You also need to set up your area with things that are related to this meditation. A large chart of the chakras for an example, is used by a lot of people to help them focus on a particular chakra. Maybe having colored candles, or stones or cloth to hold or light to help you picture the different chakras in your mind.

3. Keep this meditation to yourself

This is to prevent ridicule from your peers or family which may then cause you to lose your faith and determination to proceed. Only when they see the difference in you and ask, you can freely do so.

4. Be patient and consistent

Every person’s response to this meditation is different as they have their own unique problems. One person may feel the effects instantly, while for others it may take weeks or months as their chakras may be completely out of alignment. Thus, results may take time and even after realignment, they need regular maintenance to keep them that way. Take this as a lifetime commitment.

5. Set goals and fulfill them

You should always have a purpose, whether this is to help heal certain parts of your body, or the put your chakras into balance.

6. Be humble

You are doing this meditation to improve your life, not make yourself better than everyone else. If people start noticing the difference in your appearance, your overall outlook on life, or that your illnesses start going away, do not brag about it. This can put the chakras out of alignment.


If you would like to incorporate more chakra meditation into your life you might be interested on our Positive Affirmation Chakra Cards: https://fl123.infusionsoft.com/app/storeFront/showProductDetail?productId=20

Chakras In The Human Body

Chakra is actually the Sanskrit word that would mean wheel. The human body includes seven important chakras and also many minor chakras.

These 7 chakras start from the bottom of the backbone and finish on the top of the head. Basically, those chakras possess the wheel of continuous revolving and rotating energy. The root (1st chakra) has the slowest revolving speed while the crown (7th chakra) rotates the fastest.

As soon as these chakras are unhealthy, unbalanced or clogged up, one’s lifestyle tend to be out of sync. Weariness, stress and other health issues may set in. In such cases, it’s important to unclogged the affected chakras and restore its balance.

Stimulation for each chakras come from its individual and complimentary colour as well as a range of gem stones. Basically, these chakra colours consists of the 7 colours of the rainbow; red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.

However, do not go overboard in opening your chakras as too large an opening may lead to excessive universal energy coming into your entire body.  that will consequently lead to an energy overload.

Chakras have a clear connection among themselves and also the condition of its corresponding organ.The following are the 7 chakras and their related organs in the body:

•    1st chakra (root) – connected to large intestines, anus, has some effects on kidney functioning

•    2nd chakra (naval) – connected to the reproduction system, sex gland, testicles, urinary system, bladder and kidneys

•    3rd chakra (solar plexus) = connected to gall bladder, spleen, liver, small intestine and stomach

•    4th chakra (heart) – associated with the heart and arms

•    5th chakra (throat) – associated with throat and lung area

•    6th chakra (3rd eye) – associated with the face, nose area, eyes and brains.

•    7th chakra (crown) – related to the whole being, not corresponding to any particular organ.

Why it is so important to release and discontinue all toxicities, artificial stimulants, stress, drugs from our lives

Our New Multidimensional Operating System

The portal between the etheric and the physical body is the body’s Endocrine System. The Endocrine System is our body’s “communication system” which transfers information and instructions from one set of cells to another. It is through this glandular portal that light transmissions are mediated into physical chemical messages that enter the bloodstream as hormones.

Working in tandem with the Nervous System, our entire Endocrine System is also undergoing an intense upgrade into the magnetic multi-dimensional blueprint. This is dramatically changing the way in which our body communicates, to allow us to receive more high frequency light into the body while ensuring that it is evenly distributed throughout our cellular matrix.

Our bodies are under a great deal of pressure at this time, constantly assimilating and recalibrating to a greater vibration. This process is only going to become more and more accelerated. If the Endocrine system is over stimulated, it stresses the entire body and creates imbalances, especially in areas of the body that are most sensitive and vulnerable.

This is why it is so important to LISTEN to our body. This is why it is so important to discontinue and release any and all toxicities, artificial stimulants and stress from our lives. These things will only short circuit the new wiring and potentially bring great fracture to our transitioning system.

Expanding through the Pineal Gland Portal

The light energy pulsating to us from the Galactic Center, enters the physical body primarily through the Pineal Gland. This glandular center is the main portal through which we are liberated from the limiting perceptions of the third dimensional mind.

As the Pineal Gland expands, we begin to experience the opening of our ascension portal. This portal acts much like a compass to guide our process of returning to multi-dimensional awareness. Through this process of inner opening, we truly have become walking portals… receiving and emitting transforming light, traversing multiple realities and consciously living in all of these realities at once.

Due to the intensity of increasing cosmic energy, many people are experiencing power surges in the Pineal Gland and are becoming electrically overloaded. This, is turn, can lead to an over-stimulation of the brain’s other main endocrine gland, the Pituitary, which creates problems of energetic balance in the entire physical body.

Article by VIE Fallateuf:
Owner, Founder and Holistic Therapist at Biostimulation Institute of Light and Sound,LLC

Soul’s Birth

Saw this and wanted to share as it’s beautiful:

When you were born, beloved, was your soul
New made by God to match your body’s flower,
And were they both at one same precious hour
Sent forth from heaven as a perfect whole?
Or had your soul since dim creation burned,
A star in some still region of the sky,
That leaping earthward, left its place on high
And to your little new-born body yearned?
No words can tell in what celestial hour
God made your soul and gave it mortal birth,
Nor in the disarray of all the stars
Is any place so sweet that such a flower
Might linger there until thro’ heaven’s bars,
It heard God’s voice that bade it down to earth.

~Sara Teasdale

You can find this poem and accompanying image here:

"Soul's Birth"